
Welcome to Baking in ‘Boken! Follow along as I test out my recipes in my tiny kitchen in my tiny basement apartment in the food-crazed town of Hoboken, NJ.

I stumbled upon a passion for cooking in a slightly ironic way, desperately trying to figure how to cook for one while balancing a busy job, a passion for running, and being with my family and friends. With a wide array of  ‘Boken restaurants to choose from, the kitchen can grow cobwebs for a lot of people around this area. But I challenged myself and I challenge you to embrace your kitchen – cooking lunch and dinner will save you time, save you money (you better believe it!), and make you feel healthier and alive.

About Corinne: I’m currently living in New Jersey, but no longer in my basement apartment in Hoboken. The day after my now-fiance popped the question on vacation in Maine, we came home to find that Hurricane Irene wiped out our lovely little abode! It has been an interesting way to start our lives together, but getting flooded out, moving in with the ‘rents, finding a new (amazing) apartment and planning a wedding all in the past few months has been an interesting and exciting time for me and the lad! I have a full time job in business but my passion for cooking and running is my other full time job and this is where I’d like to share it with you. I’ve taken some cooking classes, ran a few half marathons, and competed in triathlons so my love for healthy living is all around!

My hope is that people will try out the recipes and workouts that I post and let me know what they think. Make changes, add ingredients, and post back so together we can learn to have fun with food and fitness!

5 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hey thanks for visiting my blog!! I’m loving yours, all of the treats look so delicious 🙂 Looking forward to reading more in the future!

  2. jenandberries said:

    Your recipes look delish, I shall almost definitely be copying them, glad I’ve found your blog! 🙂

  3. Hey Corinne!
    For thanksgiving i made red velvet biscotti. it is something they make at the bakery i work at and i thought i would give it a try. They were really good and a big hit at the party with the fam. you should try them. i made a few changes to the recipe though. i would add more almonds than called for and i added white chocolate chips (not too many though or it gets to rich. then i melted bittersweet and white chocolate and drizzled it on top of the cookies when they were cool to make them look prettier.

  4. Cannot wait to follow another Jersey girl! Looking forward to trying out some of your recipes! Maybe some day we can meet up in Hoboken? I have lots of friends in the area. Hope you are having a good week! 🙂

  5. Jersey girl here, too (and former ‘boken resident). Love your blog. Can’t wait to try some of your recipes.

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